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What is the Cost of Paternity Testing? Who'zTheDaddy UK and Canada


Some people expect DNA paternity testing to be prohibitively expensive and therefore a luxury beyond their reach. The good news is that it is not! Since the first DNA paternity testing company was launched in 1987 the cost of the tests has come down, largely due to the fact that in the early days cost (in excess of £450 per test) was based on supply and demand rather than the actual cost of carrying out DNA tests in the laboratory. More and more customers were willing to pay these high figures, demand rose and therefore prices could be lowered. Cheap paternity tests are now available for as little as £78 (CA$135).

A preliminary search on the internet will display a myriad of companies providing paternity DNA tests. So, how can a potential buyer of one of these tests who has little or no prior knowledge in this field decide which company to use?

Helpful Guidelines

You need high levels of accuracy in the tests. So go for a company that boasts a minimum of 99.99% certainty of proof of paternity when the mother, 'father' and child are tested. (There will be 100% proof that the man tested is not the father.) Make sure the tests on offer are of a high quality (a good marker is to check that 16 genetic regions on the DNA sample are analysed and no fewer).

If you need to provide the test results as evidence in court, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) maintains a short list of testing companies that have been accredited to carry out parentage tests directed by the civil courts in England and Wales under Section 20 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969. Check that your chosen company is on the MoJ's list.

Find out how long your company has been in business for. Read through the testimonials carefully to ascertain whether the company provides the levels of customer care you are looking for.

Does the company follow the voluntary Code of Practice and Guidance on Genetic Paternity Testing Services in the UK? This document was drawn up by scientists and other professionals to offer guidance to testing companies.

Having a paternity DNA test can be an emotional undertaking and you should look for a company offering confidential help and advice throughout the testing process. Do you 'like' the company? Is it easy to get hold of a real person in the company to talk to if the need arises?

You also need to question the company on its quality assurance. Are systems in place which are in compliance with ISO quality standards, for example ISO9001:2000 and ISO17025? Are the procedures subject to regular independent external review?

Finally, how long does it take to get the results to you? Waiting for results can be an anxious time. Are results delivered in five working days from receipt of the samples, or is it seven or even ten days?

Making a decision to have a paternity DNA test carried out is not one to be taken lightly. You can, however, greatly enhance your experience by thoroughly researching the market in advance.

Who’zTheDaddy? offer a wide choice of Paternity Test services designed to provide accurate answers to emotional questions. Whether you are looking to verify paternity, confirm siblingship or research genealogy, for peace of mind or for legal use, we are able to provide the appropriate Paternity Test at the most competitive rates, confidentially and professionally.

Using state-of-the-art technology we are able to provide conclusive results on time, every time. Click here to contact one of our knowledgeable customer service advisors by telephone or email.

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