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DNA Testing – The DNA Industry


DNA testing is a growing business sector in itself. Not too long ago, when DNA testing was new, the idea of DNA testing becoming available to all of us was quite far fetched. Now, though, anyone can have a DNA test and the science is being used in a wide variety of applications and research programmes, which has led to the establishment and continued growth of the DNA industry.

Worldwide Demand for DNA Testing

DNA testing and research is being introduced across various sectors. From companies specialising in paternity testing, to those looking at genetic modification of plants, there is a significant market. DNA testing is being researched and developed by independent companies as well as by new branches of already established pharmaceutical companies and numerous research departments, exploring ways that DNA can change our lives. Some examples of how the industry is growing are:

  • DNA sunscreen – a team of dermatologists at Newcastle University are concerned that available sunscreens aren’t protecting the skin from DNA damage, which can occur long before you burn, and this damage can contribute to the development of skin cancer. A new company has been set up and has won financial backing to work with market leaders in this field and develop a DNA rating for sunscreen.
  • Personalised healthcare – by analysing our DNA we can see whether we have a predisposition towards particular diseases or are likely to react badly to certain medicines. In the long term this information may be used to personalise our healthcare which, experts claim, might prevent a large amount of wastage in the current health service.
  • Soft drinks may damage DNA – in May 2007 researchers at a British university published details of a study into the effects of some soft drinks on DNA. They discovered that E211 (sodium benzoate) which is often present in carbonated drinks, may damage DNA and cause problems similar to those experienced after alcohol abuse. The result could be damage to the important mitrochondrial DNA, this chemical could cause cell damage.

Research into DNA and related subjects is valuable, given the possible effects of both natural and man-made environments and substances and it's important that the companies offering DNA testing uphold the reputation of this new industry by providing the best possible service to their clients.

Who’zTheDaddy? offer a wide choice of At Home Paternity Test services designed to provide accurate answers to emotional questions. Whether you are looking to verify paternity, confirm siblingship or research genealogy, for peace of mind or for legal use, we are able to provide the appropriate At Home Paternity Test at the most competitive rates, confidentially and professionally.

Using state-of-the-art technology we are able to provide conclusive results on time, every time. Click here to contact one of our knowledgeable customer service advisors by telephone or email.

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